What Marketers Need To Know About New Updates On Facebook Algorithm?

What Marketers Need To Know About New Updates On Facebook Algorithm?

Marketers Need To Know About New Facebook Algorithm?

The Low-Down Facebook’s Latest Changes and How They Affect Your Business

No doubt Facebook has dramatically changed how businesses are marketed online. With over 2 billion users Facebook offers exposure to a powerhouse of potential customers.

That’s why when Mark Zuckerberg announced some big changes in January, it drew many concerns with business owners on how their posts will have a reduced visibility in their follower’s newsfeed.

Here’s what you need to know and do about these changes:

The focus of the new changes is actually very holistic. Facebook is all about creating community. These changes are an attempt to help users find relevant content and to have more meaningful social interactions.

In a nutshell that means people want to see information from their family and friends. They don’t want to be bothered with irrelevant posts from businesses, brands, and media.

So how do you deal with Facebook’s algorithm changes as a business?


First of all, you need to focus on quality versus quantity of content. Relevance takes on a whole new meaning now. Take time to create really juicy posts your audience can’t resist.

Focus on what your ideal target market wants to receive from you. Will they be entertained? Educated? Inspired? Leave everything else out and only focus on those three things.


Engagement is everything. With every post, your goal is to stir up a conversation. Ask for opinions. Get them to share their advice and stories.

Now more than ever you need to develop a tribe of people who love to be connected and can’t wait to engage with you. Take advantage of Facebook Live being the hottest trend right now that typically generates a lot of engagement.


Don’t try tricky posts that get people to comment and share on a post. Using tactics like clickbait and sensationalized fake news or other means to try and trick the algorithms are one of the reasons why these changes occurred.

Moreover, engagement bait tactics can get you in trouble. The Facebook algorithm can detect such tactics that try to coerce people to engage.

Instead, have the intention of sharing good content from your heart. Be authentic. Make your posts so amazing that people will naturally want to share them.


Facebook and Universal Music Group signed a deal to allow users to upload songs in videos. This means users can now share videos containing music from UMG’s artists without having the videos removed due to copyright violations as they have been in the past.

So now you can we open up creativity, connection and innovation through music as you build your social media community.

In other words, rock out with your peeps! Now you can without copyright infringement by choosing songs by Universal Music Group artists.

In the end, the people who help, entertain, inform, and serve their communities will win. So stop worrying about marketing and focus on serving your fans and followers.

Here are 10 strategies and tactics to get those algorithms to work in your favour:

  1. Show Your Personality

Facebook wants us to be more authentic with our posts. Being authentic is the key here. People resonate with people, not brands. So the more you can showcase your personality on your page posts, the more people will be drawn to your message and become engaged with your posts.

Relax on the “guru” marketing tactics that you’ve been told to do and instead be yourself.

  1.  Keep Your Target Market in Mind. Always.

If you’re wanting to use Facebook to help build your business, then you have to know who you want to attract to your business as paying clients. The more you know who they are, the more you can produce content that they will want to hear from you.

  • What do they want from you?
  • What do they want to learn from you?
  • What will inspire them?
  • What will get them engaged with your posts?
  1. Utilize Facebook Live

It wasn’t long ago that video was the “Queen of Facebook” where us entrepreneurs enjoyed great views and reach with our natively uploaded videos but that is all being set aside for Facebook Live.

Facebook Live provides us with the opportunity to live stream “in the moment” videos that naturally facilitate engagement, which is what the Facebook algorithms are looking for.

During your Live shows, focus on:

  • Providing insider peaks into your world such as while attending live events
  • Sharing something of value
  • Asking leading questions
  • Being entertaining; have fun! Don’t worry so much about how you look and just go for it!
  • Being authentic
  1. Ask Leading Questions

Simply asking questions can get great engagement on your posts. You want to ask questions that will warrant more than a “yes” or “no” response and get a discussion happening.

Ideally, encouraging discussion among your followers brings an even higher level of engagement that Facebook will truly reward.

Here are some ideas on what kinds of questions you could be asking:

  • Topics that pertain to your target market
  • Hot topics that everyone has an opinion on
  • Fill in the blank questions
  • Opinions on what’s happening in your industry
  • What’s happening in their world they would want to share, discuss or celebrate
  1. Create Inspiring Posts

Create posts that will inspire your followers into wanting to share them to their followers. Whether your post is a video, a quote or a quote on an image, if it resonates with your audience, it will inspire them to at minimum hit the “like” button and maybe even share to their followers.

  1. Use Images

Not only do images catch your follower’s eye much quicker than plain text posts, they also tell a story at first glance. Try to use more images in your posts as these will garner more engagement if they resonate with your audience.

  1. Conduct Contests

Contests are great on getting engagement and building brand visibility. But before holding any Facebook contests, make sure you check out the Facebook rules first.

  1. Keep it Simple

Remember, for the most part, people are on Facebook to escape so you want to avoid asking deep questions that will make your followers think or avoid responding due to feeling too vulnerable to share.

So keeping your posts light, simple and fun can garner you a bigger engagement impact.

  1. Share Influencer’s Posts

Sharing other people’s content, especially influences in your industry, can greatly increase that post’s reach. So be sure to follow those that enjoy a great engagement rate and share some of those posts as your page to your page.

Not only will your reach increase but you’re also showcasing someone you admire, which can get an automatic boost in the algorithms.

  1. Show Your Support

It’s a lot of fun to have a fan appreciation day and showcase or highlight a fan or VIP client of yours. You can tag them and ask a question for them to respond to in the comment section, which will boost the engagement.




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